Slender Tree-ferns

(Cyathea cunninghamii)

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Stuart and Chris collecting a fertile frond for identification 

Slender Tree-ferns

Slender Tree-ferns (Cyathea cunninghamii) are listed as Critically Endangered under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee (FFG) Act 1988. This means they are facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.

We have recorded the largest population of Slender Tree-ferns in Victoria in the Turtons Creek area across private and public land with 265 counted so far and we believe there are more. Research estimates there are only about 1000 of them left in Victoria...we are pleased that we can now add this important population to the list.

They are slow growing and it is thought that they need to be at least 7m tall and over 25 years old before they are mature enough to produce spores.

Slender Tree-ferns are thin and tall...they have a diameter of between 5 and 20cm and can grow to 20m high. They are found close to smaller creeks in steep gullies, as they require wet conditions and need protection from strong wind. They are found in rainforest areas with stable banks.

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Slender Tree-ferns near the creek

How are Slender Tree-ferns at risk of extinction?

Timber harvesting close to Slender Tree-ferns leaves them exposed to damaging winds. When Slender Tree-ferns are exposed without the shelter of surrounding forest they are at risk.

Slender Tree-ferns need protection from damaging winds, fire and floods. These elements are all expected to increase in frequency with rising temperature caused by climate change.

Slender Tree-ferns are sensitive to fire. Plantation close to them increases the fire risk. Plantation pines increase the fire risk more than native forest. Forestry operations include burning after harvest which increases the fire risk.

Slender Tree-ferns require wet soil conditions, which is why they are found close to creeks. Pine plantations close to them are likely to reduce the amount of water in the soil as these plantations use a large quantity of water.

Harvesting close to Slender Tree-ferns  and planting pines will also allow for weeds to invade and compete with new younger Slender Tree-ferns making their survival more difficult.

Adequate buffer zones are the solution to protecting Slender Tree-ferns but we don't think HVP are doing enough and are putting this critically endangered species at risk.

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Fellas coupe June 2024
HVP have harvested close to rainforest lined creeks containing critically endangered Slender Tree-ferns.

Threatened by HVP timber harvesting

We are concerned that HVP are not leaving adequate protection buffers in riparian areas of the HVP plantation at Turtons creek.

Slender Tree-ferns are a listed species under the FFG Act and have current species-specific prescriptions in the Code of Practice for Timber Production 2014 (as amended in 2022):

"–  In the Gippsland and East Gippsland Forest Management Areas (FMAs): Apply a management area of 200 m radius over populations. Conduct a site inspection and detailed planning in consultation with the Department to ensure the species is adequately protected during timber harvesting operations”.

HVP have left only 5m buffers to some of the creek areas and only 20m in other areas. This is insufficient according to the Prescription and not enough to provide the surrounding habitat conditions the Slender Tree-ferns need to survive and recover.

We want the South Gippsland Shire Council and Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), the responsible authorities, to ensure they are protected.

We have requested that council ask HVP to put an immediate buffer of 200m around all Slender Tree-ferns until an independent survey has been done and a detailed plan has been made in conjunction with DEECA rainforest experts to ensure their protection. If these Slender Tree-ferns were in State forest they would get a 200 meter buffer. 

We contacted the Office of the Conservation Regulator and were told
"Any enquires relating to HVP harvesting are best sought directly with HVP."
So, who is responsible for ensuring our critically endangered species are protected?

The Environment minister Steve Dimopoulos office, through the conservation regulator has confirmed that HVP are not exempt under the FFG Act but that action statements were not mandatory...

So who will protect out critically endangered species?

We are now working with the Gippsland Forest Guardians to protect the Slender Tree-ferns in Turtons Creek and the Strzeleckis.

What YOU can do:

  • Contact your local representatives to let them know your concerns (contacts and example text below)
  • Contact HVP and let them know that they need to provide better protection for our threatened species as prescribed in the FFG Act if they are to have a social license to operate on our Crown Land
  • Keep informed about the campaign as it develops by following    @gippslandforestguardiansinc on Instagram
  • Share a link to this site and share the Slender Tree-fern video
  • Contact your super fund to find out if they invest in HVP and share your concerns - if they do, consider whether you want to invest your super in this way.
  • Contact us if you would like to help and become more involved in standing up for our local forests and threatened species.
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